Jeff is leaving on Sunday to do some traveling for work. Being together for 4 and a bit years, this will be our longest time spent apart. We're trying to take advantage of all of the together-ness we can until then!
Finally some flowers (and much needed colour) near our building! A big celebration as we've been surrounded by construction since we moved in.
Missing Mexico right about now! Our friends have come up to visit the past two weekends and we had fun reminiscing. We exchanged memory cards and it was fun to see some new pictures (like the one above at the Mayan Ruins!) Although Ottawa is having a total heat wave right now, I could do with some relaxing beach time - Somewhere far, far away preferably!Last week Jeff and I went to some second-hand stores. It's become the only place I shop for books. You can't beat the prices! I found the above and couldn't help cracking a few open and taking myself back to my pre-teen years.
Ottawa's biggest music festival (arguably one of Canada's biggest festivals, at that) is taking place right now. I absolutely love going to Bluesfest. The atmosphere is comforting: so many good memories are associated with it. I've been going ever since I hit my teens. Great food, drink and music. Oh, and always great company. My close friend and I hit up Sunday night to see a stellar performance by Tegan and Sara.
Tegan and Sara
We got all bundled up expecting a torrential downpour. Instead, we were pleasantly surprised with a pink sunset. Perfect night for live music!

I came across the above quote on Gala Darling's blog. I truly believe you have to do work you are passionate about. I love taking my work home with me: coming up with creative ideas and incentives to better my business is something I thrive on. Constant growth contributes to my happiness at work and is something I look forward to on a daily basis.
"I wouldn't wait for Monday. I don't believe in weekends."
Happy Wednesday!