
Stuff My (boyfriend) Listens To

Today is a work day for me. The busiest of the week!

If I had the day off, the following is what I would be doing:
Eat from one of our (new) food trucks in downtown Ottawa
Listen to the new records Jeff and I found when we were shopping this week
Re-organize my closet and wash all my makeup brushes
Lie by the pool and read my book

Instead, I made up for it with the following summer mixtape. While I (pretend) to be doing all of the fun activities I listed above, I'm listening to these songs. They're mellow and light. It's feel-good music - happy and carefree!


So, pack a picnic and go enjoy this beautiful Saturday. Maybe bring along my playlist so a piece of me will be out enjoying the day as well!

(side note: Jeff wants me to make it very clear that he does NOT listen to Robyn. Ha. I love the 90's!)
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