So instead, I decided I was going to sit on my patio anyways and listen to my new spring playlist. When I close my eyes I can almost feel the sun on my face. Almost. Wishful thinking...
This brings me to my next new feature - Stuff My (boyfriend) Listens To - which I'm more then a little excited about. Jeff and I spend a lot of time (together, and alone) listening to music. Whenever we find something we love, we run to each other exclaiming "You HAVE to download this new album!!"
When I do find a song I really love, I tend to play it on repeat and on full volume (Jeff doesn't always respond well to this when it's Carly Rae Jepsen, but I can't deny my love for a catchy pop song). So this morning I made an 8tracks account to share what we've been listening to!
I hope you enjoy my spring playlist full of happy classics (old and new!)