Back in the winter, I had a woman reach out to me from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation asking me if I wanted to do some work with them this fall for the Run for the Cure.
Originally, I was super excited. Then a few things changed.
Firstly, my treatments ended up being more intensive then I thought and I was knocked off my feet. Secondly, my mom was also recovering and mentally, that was a lot to take in.
Besides all of that though, I started to let my mind wander...
When I was diagnosed with cancer I had a lot to think about. What were my best treatment options? When would I be able to return to work? Lastly: how can I give back to a community that has been so overly generous to me?
Despite it being my favorite colour, I had a problem with "pink-washing". There are many articles online that will talk about why we, as survivors, should be opposed to the month of October, the pink ribbon, and all that surrounds it. I was going to write an intensive post about it here, but decided against it. Here's why:
My cancer was removed in April and it was determined that I had a Stage 3, aggressive, triple positive breast cancer (my cancer loves and feeds off of progesterone, estrogen and HER2).
Had this been 10-15 years ago, my options for treatments to prevent a recurrence would have been very slim.
Since this is 2015, and due to phenomenal research, we uncovered a new drug now called Herceptin. In short form, Herceptin treats my HER2 positive receptor: it attaches to breast cancer cells to slow or stop their growth (so, if there is any cancer left inside me, this drug will either stop it from growing or destroy it altogether). It's saved lives and decreased mortality rates exponentially (if you want to learn more about Herceptin, click here).
I go for this treatment every 21 days for a full year.
I also take a type of hormonal therapy, administered as a pill, called Tamoxifen. It blocks estrogen in my body, which prevents cancer cells from developing and growing.
I've also had the opportunity to speak to many women who experienced chemo in the 70's and 80's, before the drugs we take to prevent nausea and improve our quality of life existed. All I can say is that their stories are not pretty. I feel extremely lucky to have had cancer in 2015, and to have maintained a full life during my treatments. This is all thanks to the research advancements in the drugs we can take.
Lastly, I have a few special people in my life that are currently living with stage four breast cancer. Once you are diagnosed as metastatic, your cancer is no longer considered curable. You can live, even thrive, while on treatments, but it will be a constant battle.
These are beautiful people and their only hope now is that we can further research that will work to save lives in the future.
Research is expensive.
To me, nothing else matters.
These beautiful people deserve a cure.
Our future mothers, sisters, wives, caretakers, best friends, teachers, bosses... they deserve a cure.
They deserve a full life, to see their children grow old, and to have the necessary treatments to beat this disease.
I'm running for a cure.
I'm running because those who ran before me helped to save my life.
I would love to have every single person that has sent me a sweet facebook message or e-mail, a blog comment, a phone call or text message or simply thought about me and my family to join me on October 4th 2015.
If you're interested, please click here and sign up to be on Team (re)Construction.
Some additional info...
Don't live in Ottawa?
You can participate on my team ANYWHERE in Canada that is hosting a run!
Can't make the run date?
Donations to team (re)Construction are always graciously accepted.
Have an AWESOME idea for a fundraiser?
I am available the entire month of September to help and facilitate... Shoot me off an e-mail here and let's get the ball rolling!
Feeling shy about joining?
DON'T! Even if we've never met, only met once, fallen out of touch, or you think you CAN'T RUN - don't worry about it!! Most people walk, and I would LOVE to have you on my team! The more the merrier!
And most importantly- become educated:
Think before you pink - this link provides detail into what questions you should ask before purchasing anything that claims to be in support of breast cancer.
Thank you so much (in advance) for all of your continued love and support. It means the world to us!

Now get your jogging pants on and start practicing... I will see you October 4th!