New pajamas!
I have a story for you.
Last year, I was taking the bus home in the perilous depths of winter. I had a particularly nasty cold. I was jamming out with my headphones on when a woman rapidly starting tapping on my shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my seat. She was handing - no, shoving - Kleenex into my hands. Looking super annoyed, she told me "Please use these. You are sniffing like crazy. It is grossing me out". Mortified, I hadn't even realized that I had been the annoying girl that was sniffling like crazy on an otherwise very quiet bus. I made a vow that day to never listen to music that was so loud that I couldn't hear myself breathe (or hear others talk), and always kept tissue in my purse for emergency situations like these ones. I thought that would be the beginning and end of all embarassing snot stories I would have to tell in my lifetime.
I was so wrong.
I noticed last week that my nose was leaking like a faucet. I am extremely cautious of any "new" side effects that my body is presenting me: I take my temperature like a crazy person just in case there is anything abnormal going on and I have to rush to the hospital (if I faint randomly in public, I have a nifty "fever card" on me at all times so people know that I am NOT WELL and to rush me to the hospital ASAP). Anyways, I always associated a runny nose with a really bad cold. Turns out all that mucus is always there, cold or not. You just never notice it because most of us have those handy dandy nose hairs that stop it from pouring out of your nose and running dangerously close to dripping into your mouth. Cue all the barf.
If you are going to be grateful for one thing this winter, I urge you to be grateful for your nose hair. You may be laughing right now, but I am being dead serious. Your nose hair is the essential roadblock between you and all the angry older women in the world who will try and shove tissues on you and embarrass you on public transportation. You only realize how much you appreciate your nose hair when you no longer have any. You definitely appreciate it when you no longer have control over your sniffling. I am speaking from experience here.
I was trying on dresses for the Nordstrom gala I'm going to this Wednesday night, and I noticed I was sniffing like crazy. I actually couldn't stop. The sales associate knocked on my changeroom door and asked me if I needed a tissue. She probably thought I was wiping my nose on all their expensive dresses. Mortified, yet again. I've started hoarding paper napkins at the beginning of meals at restaurants: before Jeff sits down I steal his and make him ask for another one. I try to keep Kleenex in my purse but I'm going through it too quickly. If you are looking for a gift for me, I would love purse sized tissues in any pattern, please (I do love Hello Kitty though and she has lots of Kleenex patterns, FYI).
So there's the latest new and nasty side effect. Who would have ever thought how essential nose hair is to getting through a Canadian winter? Not me.
I woke up this morning so sure I would be feeling better after my last treatment. When I was arguably feeling worse then I did yesterday, I started feeling a bit grumpy. This started to get me making a mental list of things I am grateful for, which I thought I would share here:
- Shonda Rhimes & How to Get Away With Murder (watched the first season in two days! Great show)
- Two adorable kitties who keep loving me despite when my last shower was
- Oreo ice cream sandwiches (birthday cake flavour)
- An e-mail telling me to expect an extra large box in the mail with tons of new advance readers to review
- Norman Reedus/Daryl Dixon (blowing through season 4 of Walking Dead)
- Project Free TV
- Consignment shops and $8 heels
- Floor to ceiling windows in my bedroom that make me feel like I am outside when in reality I have not been able to get out of bed before 4PM in 3 days
- My industrial-like fan that manages my hot flashes
- Uptown Funk/Bruno Mars
- When Jeff leaves for work and puts a blanket over my head like a turban, and claims I look "cute" (lies)
- #Pritchellrevamp2015 (the name Jeff and I have given to our apartment de-clutter).
- -10 degree weather (feeling balmy out today, no?)
- Super soft kleenex
- One more round of chemo
Things I am not grateful for:
Ikea. (I picked up a new piece of furniture only to come home and realize that one of the pieces is the wrong size.).
Among other things that are too disgusting to type and share here for you to read (more disgusting then talking about nose hairs). My stomach has been acting up on me today. Sorry.
An ideal day off for me just a few months ago would be to make a campsite on my couch, eat all the snacks, watch all the Netflix, and not get out of my Pajamas all day. Turns out, once you have done this on and off for three months the novelty really starts to wear off. I don't think I can ever allow myself to retire. I think I'll always need to keep a part time job or side project to prevent myself from going stir crazy.

I have been extremely lethargic this time around. My side effects hit me late Thursday. Where as in the past I have had extreme lack of sleep, this time around I can't seem to sleep enough. It is a real chore for me to move from my bed to the couch. I can barely hold my iPad up to watch TV. I am still pretty sore. My stomach was doing OK, until I woke up this morning and the explosion feeling hit again. I'm giving it until tomorrow morning. That will officially be a week and that is long enough!
The end is near and I'm actively thinking about how I only have one treatment left. My last chemo is actually scheduled for St Patty's day. St Patty's day of the past:
Shamrock pancakes and drinks starting at 8AM. Safe to say that this year will be a little different! That's ok, though. I have 15 days to think of the best/most fun outfit to wear to my last treatment. I love holidays. If you received a Valentine from me this year, I am jealous of you (Downton Abbey and 90's boy stars). For any of you who plan on coming to see me ring the bell, I promise to have festive treats to nosh on! (I can't condone bringing in a keg though, so if you want to get your drink on, I suggest Bailey's in a coffee mug).
There are two cancer-related events going on in Ottawa this March/April that I thought I would share with you. Since I'm up the creek still, I'm going to rely on you to do your part in spreading my message!! Next year, you can bet I will be the annoying girl blowing up your Facebook with breast cancer related events, but until then, here's some things you can consider:

Have you thought about cutting your long, luxurious hair recently? Every celebrity has done it. The lob is in. It's super chic and cute, and people with cancer rely on your lovely locks. So if you are willing to donate 6+ inches of hair, shave your head, or sponsor someone who is, visit for more details. If you end up taking part, you should definitely let me know and take some pictures.
Get Pink'd! March 12th is National Wear Pink day. Colleagues, teammates and friends are encouraged to make a $5 donation, don your Get Pink'd pin and wear pink in support of breast cancer research. If you're interested, the CBCF will set you up with a starter pack. All the details here. Again, send me pictures!! I would love to see your workplace, sports team, or group of friends wearing my fave colour.
I've spent a lot of time researching cancer related foundations. I have a very strong opinion forming on what/when you should donate and to whom. Especially for breast cancer. There are so many "breast cancer" products (think of everything that turns pink in October). It's so important to do your research and know where your money is going. A lot of the time, only a few cents go towards research. I think this is a whole other post in the future, but for now, the above events are definitely good causes!
Get Pink'd! March 12th is National Wear Pink day. Colleagues, teammates and friends are encouraged to make a $5 donation, don your Get Pink'd pin and wear pink in support of breast cancer research. If you're interested, the CBCF will set you up with a starter pack. All the details here. Again, send me pictures!! I would love to see your workplace, sports team, or group of friends wearing my fave colour.
I've spent a lot of time researching cancer related foundations. I have a very strong opinion forming on what/when you should donate and to whom. Especially for breast cancer. There are so many "breast cancer" products (think of everything that turns pink in October). It's so important to do your research and know where your money is going. A lot of the time, only a few cents go towards research. I think this is a whole other post in the future, but for now, the above events are definitely good causes!
Playing with wigs! I always say how lucky I am to not be freaked out by fake hair now that I need it after working at a salon for so long, having tons of previous knowledge with extensions etc. Playing with wigs is one of the few fun parts of the whole experience.
So... that's all I've got to say this time around! Nose hair has definitely been on my top of mind awareness lately, and I couldn't wait a second longer to tell you how lucky you are to have it.
I'm looking out my window right now and it's so sunny. I hope you are all enjoying your time skating on the canal, going for a walk on your lunch break, or joining me in finally opening the blinds. The sun feels so good.
Until next time!