
Weekly (un)Wind

Working in retail, I don't have a "typical" work week where I look forward to hump day and count down the hours until the weekend. Saturdays are usually the day I'm the busiest, bustling around and making sure everything runs smoothly. As OPI collectors and beauty junkies bombard me with questions about product and the hottest spring colors, I do more laps around my store in a Saturday then I generally do in my entire week. (I honestly have a fantastic job. Testing nail polish and talking about hair products all day? Yes please).

Basically, I don't have your typical 9-5 job with your typical Monday-Friday work week. In fact, my days off are normally Tuesdays and Sundays (which I actually enjoy because I find it breaks up my week nicely and makes it fly right by).

But, there's something about Friday's that still feels like a party. Whether it leads back to the fact that on Fridays when I was little my mom would "rent" us an N64 gaming system and move our mattresses into the living room for the entire weekend, or during highschool when Friday's meant house parties and no homework until late Sunday night (I always have been a procrastinator..), Fridays for me are great days to unwind. 

This Friday currently consists of an evening shift, leaving me looking out my bedroom window on a grey rainy day. Grateful to still be in bed and in my housecoat, writing to you with my two cute and snuggly kitties. 
Snuggles with Oatmeal 
So, on Fridays, you can all look forward to my Weekly (un)Wind. A few links that I've gathered throughout the week that I've deemed funny, cute, lovely or inspiring enough to help you set the tone for your weekend.

The Weekly (un)Wind
- This new Banksy "Coke" ad
- This incredible audition for Britain's Got Talent
- "The Icing on the Cake" - a great article about the real world vs. the online world 
- "Book Spine Poetry" - A new way of organizing books from the Sorted Books Project
- Accessory Ladders - my new obsession to organize everything from towels to shoes
- How to Start a Book Club - as the summer days become longer and you have a bit more free time, this checklist is an awesome start to a book club - whether you do it solo or with friends!

The (un)Organized Mind + Blog design by labinastudio.